Festival for Electronic Music


Geför­dert von


Our Core Values
  • Good2U is a festival for cutting edge electronic music. We strive to provide a beautiful, exciting and high-quality experi­ence with good vibes for everyone.
  • We want all our guests to feel comfor­table and free. Regard­less of race, ethni­city, age, gender, religion, sexual orien­ta­tion, gender identity, gender expres­sion, disabi­lity, look, economic status and other diverse backgrounds.
  • We do not tolerate sexism, racism, colou­rism, queer­phobia and trans­phobia or hosti­lity, fascism, antise­mi­tism, islamo­phobia, age discri­mi­na­tion, ableism and other forms of discri­mi­na­tion.
  • Mindful­ness, consent and compas­sion are essen­tial ingre­di­ents in creating an inclu­sive and harmo­nious environ­ment.
  • Our security team is experi­enced in Berlin’s multi­faceted night­life. They share our values and are thoroughly briefed.
  • Our staff and dedicated aware­ness team will be available to assist and support you in any case and at all times.
  • If you share the same values, we could be the perfect match

Get a ticket 

  • Camping is included in every ticket
  • Can’t pay for your ticket all at once? It is possible to pay in monthly install­ments if you purchase your ticket at least 2 months before the event. Visit our ticket shop and check our payment options.

Get involved 

  • Volun­teer, help out and be a part of the team during and around the festival-weekend: Send us an appli­ca­tion here
  • Questions? Mail us: volunteers@good2u.de

Get creative

  • We have space for workshops, exhibi­tions, perfor­mances and more. Apply with your art, craft, skill or whatever it is
  • Send us your concept to artsandideas@good2u.de
Camping & Facili­ties


  • Included in every festival ticket
  • Idyllic campground surrounded by tall, beautiful birch trees with plenty of shade
  • Walk straight from your tent to the dance­f­loor — every­thing’s just a minute apart
  • Designated FLINTA* camping area
  • Gates open Friday 16.08.2024 12:00
  • Campground closes Tuesday 20.08.2024 10:00
  • Cars, campers or other vehicles are not allowed on the festival grounds


  • No more port-a-potties: proper and well-maintained sanitary facili­ties for everyone
  • Clean indoor showers: Start your morning (or night) as fresh as a daisy
  • Designated FLINTA* toilets & showers

*Female, Lesbian, Intersex, Trans and Agender

Aware­ness & Inclu­sion

At Good2U, we want to make sure that all visitors feel comfor­table and experi­ence respectful treat­ment. With our Aware­ness Team and their dedicated headquar­ters, we aim to create an environ­ment where everyone who shares our values feels welcome.

  • Acces­si­bi­lity
    Although the venue may not be fully acces­sible, we want to ensure that people with limited mobility can also parti­ci­pate in the festival. We will provide special access points and assis­tance to make the festival as barrier-free as possible. Our Aware­ness Team will be available to help and provide infor­ma­tion as needed. If you have any questions in advance, feel free to contact us at awareness@good2u.de.
  • Sensi­tiza­tion
    Our diverse Aware­ness Team is trained prior to the festival to be sensi­tive to your needs. We will address topics such as inclu­sion, racism, respect, sexism, drug and alcohol consump­tion, and respon­si­bi­lity. This ensures that the festival is a safe and enjoyable space for everyone.
  • Commu­ni­ca­tion and Visibi­lity
    We will place visible signs around the venue to indicate the location of the headquar­ters. It will be easily acces­sible, offering help, infor­ma­tion, and support to anyone in need. The Aware­ness Team itself will wear easily recognizable vests.
  • Preven­tion of Sexual Harass­ment
    There is zero tolerance for sexual harass­ment. No means no. We place great importance on aware­ness and enfor­cing clear bounda­ries. Our Aware­ness Team and security personnel are trained to respond appro­pria­tely to reports or incidents and offer support to those affected. We encou­rage everyone to be vigilant and report inappro­priate behavior.
  • Emergency Code
    In the event of harass­ment or any other emergency, you can approach any of our staff members at any time. By using the phrase “Is Penelope working today?”, you don’t have to explain further. We will immedia­tely remove you from the situa­tion and take you to a safe place.
  • Viola­tion of Rules
    Viola­ting our rules can result in immediate expul­sion from our festival.
    Good2U Festival stands for good vibes and positive energy. If you have any questions, concerns, or need assis­tance, do not hesitate to approach our Aware­ness Team. We are here to help you and create an unfor­gettable festival experi­ence together.

Good2U Festival stands for good vibes and positive energy. If you have any questions, concerns, or need assis­tance, do not hesitate to approach our Aware­ness Team. We are here to help you and create an unfor­gettable festival experi­ence together.

Getting there

By train

  • Important note: Between 12th and 21st of August there will be roadworks on the route from Berlin to Görlitz-Weinhübel. The RE7 is not opera­ting during that time. There is a repla­ce­ment service with buses or an alter­na­tive connec­tion by train. The journey will be a little longer. Please inform yourself about a suitable connec­tion.
  • We know from experi­ence that the train between Cottbus and Görlitz-Weinhübel is not the biggest. To make your journey a little more comfor­table, we were able to add a second railcar to train 68823 (depar­ture on Friday, 16 August at 15:03 from Cottbus Hbf) that is opera­ting between Cottbus Hbf and Görlitz. This means there is room for twice as many passen­gers
  • Get to Good2U easily and environ­men­tally friendly by train
  • 3h from Leipzig — 2h from Dresden — (usually — 2.5h from Berlin)
  • Our train stop Görlitz-Weinhübel is only a 5 minute walk away
  • The D‑Ticket is valid throug­hout Germany and covers the entire journey

By car

  • There is no official parking on or near the festival grounds. Please do not park your car on the road from the train station to the festival grounds or on the streets around the festival grounds. Your car will have to be removed for safety reasons.
  • The nearest public parking is a 20 minute walk away (Stauf­fen­berg­straße 1, 02827 Görlitz)
  • Please contact us at awareness@good2u.de if you have to come by car due to physical or health-related reasons


    • Climate crisis is not just a fairy tale. That’s why we’ve taken great care to ensure that Good2U is as eco-friendly as possible
    • Sustaina­bi­lity is a part of every decision we make
    • Our aim is to minimize our carbon footprint and impact on the environ­ment



    • No genera­tors: we rely on the site’s existing perma­nent power connec­tions
    • Environ­men­tally friendly electri­city tariff from the local utility company.


    Travel & Mobility

    • The festival site is a 5 minute walk from the nearest train station.
    • With a few excep­tions, all booked artists arrive by public trans­port.
    • We aim to minimise private trans­port and encou­rage our guests to use public trans­port.


    Waste Manage­ment

    • We try to avoid waste wherever possible.
    • Any waste that we find or produce will be collected and disposed of properly.
    • We ensure separate collec­tion of paper, recycl­ables, glass and general waste.
    • We ensure that hazar­dous substances such as oil, sewage, urine etc. do not come into contact with the ground, soil or water.



    • We minimise the use of single-use plastics and ask our guests to do the same.
    • At our bars and food stands we use reusable contai­ners such as returnable cups, refillable bottles and recyclable cardboard packa­ging.
    • Guests have the oppor­tu­nity to be served on their own plates at the food stalls.



    • We set sustaina­bi­lity criteria for our catering and food stalls.
    • We serve only vegeta­rian and vegan food.
    • We avoid food waste in our food stands and crew catering.
    • Guests can hand in non-peris­hable food for distri­bu­tion to chari­ties in the region.



    • Water is recog­nised as a common resource.
    • We encou­rage the use of tap water as a climate and resource-friendly alter­na­tive to bottled or canned water.
    • There will be drinking water stations at the festival site.



    • We priori­tise local sourcing of materials, food and drink.
    • Wherever possible, we work with local and regional suppliers.
    • We aim to reduce traffic through well-organised pre- and post-produc­tion and intel­li­gent routing.


    Thanks to Clubtopia for their advice and support in expan­ding our sustaina­bi­lity concept.

    Low Income Ticket
    • We want to make sure that everyone can parti­ci­pate in Good2U, regard­less of their economic status
    • If volun­tee­ring isn’t an option for you and you can’t afford the ticket, you can parti­ci­pate in our 2025 raffle. By raffling the tickets, we want to ensure the fairest distri­bu­tion possible
    • All Low Income Tickets for 2024 have already been raffled off in our two drawings in May and July
    • Subscribe to our newsletter to not miss the 2025 raffle

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    More Infor­ma­tion

    Video: David & Chiara
    Music: Amy Dabbs

    Graphic Design: Alexander Papoli-Barawati


    Check-In & Out

    • Gates open Friday, August 16, 2024, at 12 pm
    • Please leave the grounds until Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at 10 am
    • You’re welcome to leave the grounds and come back at any time


    • The music will run from Friday after­noon through Monday evening. You might want to take Tuesday off… you should!
    • There are short breaks after the last set each morning to allow time to rest and recharge
    • Want to know the schedule? It’ll be our little secret until you check in and open the booklet

    Food & Drinks 

    • A few hand-picked food stalls offer delicious and varied vegan dishes every day
    • There will be a Späti, offering the most important Späti things
    • Our bars are open 24/7, offering cold drinks at fair prices
    • Feel free to bring your own drinks to the festival and the stages. Just keep in mind that glass bottles aren’t allowed on the grounds.
    • We’re offering free access to drinking water.


      • You can pay by cash or card at every bar and at our main food stall. Some other food stalls might only take cash, though
      • The closest ATM is about a 15-minute walk away at Fried­rich-Engels-Straße 14, 02827 Görlitz

      Cars & Campers

      • Cars, campers or other vehicles are not allowed on the festival and camping grounds
      • The nearest public parking is a 20 minute walk away (Stauf­fen­berg­straße 1, 02827 Görlitz)
      • Important: There is no official parking on or near the festival grounds. Please do not park your car on the road from the train station to the festival grounds or on the streets around the festival grounds. Your car will have to be removed for safety reasons.
          Meet the team

          Co-Founder Opera­tions Produc­tion

          Booking Artist Care

          Stage and Spatial Design

          Volun­teer Manage­ment

          Marke­ting Commu­ni­ca­tions

          Aware­ness Inclu­sion Sustaina­bi­lity

          Co-Founder Booking Opera­tions