Hello dear, poten­tial volun­teer!

Excited to Volun­teer at Good2U 2025? Let’s Get Started!
Thank you for conside­ring joining the Good2U Volun­teer Team – the heart of our festival! Without the colla­bo­ra­tive effort of you and all the other volun­teers, the festival would not be the magical experi­ence it is today.
In 2025, we’re excited to intro­duce Commu­nity Tickets along­side our Volun­tee­ring oppor­tu­ni­ties. Here’s how you can get involved:

Commu­nity Tickets

Commu­nity Tickets are a flexible way to support the festival while enjoying it at a reduced price:

  • 1 Shift (6 hours): Reduced ticket for 175€ + deposit and fees
  • 2 Shifts (6 hours each): Reduced ticket for 80€ + deposit and fees

Each Commu­nity Ticket requires a deposit of 80€, which will be refunded after the successful comple­tion of your shifts.This option is perfect if you want to contri­bute but still have plenty of time to explore every­thing Good2U has to offer.


If you’re looking for a deeper connec­tion and involv­ment with the festival, crew and other volun­teers, this might be the option for you.

  • Regular Volun­tee­ring: Complete 3 shifts (6 hours each) during the festival.
  • Long-Term Volun­tee­ring: Join the buildup or break­down teams with full-time commit­ment.

Both options include:

  • A free ticket to the festival.
  • Additional perks such as drink vouchers and some other very special Goodies.

Key Dates

  • Phase 1 Appli­ca­tions: January 14 – February 28, 2025
  • Phase 2 Appli­ca­tions: March 1 – April 30, 2025
  • Phase 3 Appli­ca­tions: May 1 – June 30, 2025
We’ll review appli­ca­tions after each phase and notify appli­cants within four weeks. Appli­ca­tions may close ahead of schedule if we reach our volun­teer capacity early, so be sure to apply soon to join the team!

Why Volunteer?

Volun­tee­ring with Good2U isn’t just about free tickets or reduced costs—it’s about being part of a passio­nate, inclu­sive commu­nity working together to create something unfor­gettable. Whether you’re building connec­tions, learning new skills, or simply soaking in the incre­dible atmosphere, Good2U is as much about U as it is about the music.

If you have any questions or need assis­tance, reach out to us at volunteers@good2u.de. We can’t wait to welcome you to the team!

Volunteer Teams

Help keep the festival grounds clean and enjoyable (no cleaning of sanitary facili­ties).
Gate Team
Welcome guests and scan tickets.
Crew Care
Prepare meals and assist in the kitchen.
Security Team
Support entry checks, monitor gates and drive­ways.
Bar Team
Mix and serve drinks (profes­sional experi­ence required).
Awareness Team
Help create a respectful and welco­ming environ­ment.
Assist with sales and guest inter­ac­tions at our Späti.
Shuttle Drivers
Provide reliable and profes­sional artist trans­port.
Flex Team
Be a genera­list or multi­ta­lent, ready to assist wherever needed.
Buildup Team
Be part of the magic as the festival takes shape. You’ll work along­side other volun­teers, forming a special team with lots of family vibes. Special events, shared meals, and behind-the-scenes sneak peeks during buildup make it a truly rewar­ding experi­ence.
Breakdown Team
Wrap up the festival in an intimate and reflec­tive atmosphere. It’s a unique chance to bond with the team and enjoy the after­glow as we wind down together.
Apply here